Pioneering BIM Level 2 Accreditation

In the ever-evolving landscape of construction and engineering, staying ahead of the curve is not just a matter of pride; it’s a necessity. Here at PHD Access, we are thrilled to announce that we have achieved the Building Information Modelling (BIM) Level 2 accreditation. This achievement places us at the forefront of innovation in the industry, particularly in the realm of temporary works. In this article, we’ll explore what this accreditation means, the significance of the Building Information Modelling Capability Certification Scheme, and why our accomplishment is groundbreaking.

BIM Level 2: A New Benchmark

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a digital representation of a building’s physical and functional characteristics. It provides a comprehensive view of a construction project, allowing for efficient planning, design, construction, and management. The UK government has recognized the transformative potential of BIM and has set high standards for the industry to follow.

Building Information Modelling Capability Certification Scheme

The Building Information Modelling Capability Certification Scheme is a crucial framework in the construction industry. It sets the standards and criteria for organisations to achieve BIM accreditation. The scheme ensures that companies are not only adopting BIM but also implementing it effectively throughout their projects. Our certification under this scheme signifies our commitment to excellence in the digital age of construction.

Embracing Collaboration and Data Integration

In understanding our journey to BIM Level 2 accreditation, it’s essential to differentiate between BIM Level 1 and BIM Level 2, as these represent varying degrees of BIM maturity.

BIM Level 1 is characterised by a file-based approach where different project participants create and manage their own 3D models and share them through file exchanges. Collaboration is limited, with an emphasis on 2D CAD drawings. Information exchange may be basic, and the primary use is for visualisation, missing out on BIM’s full potential.

Embracing Collaboration and Data Integration

On the other hand, BIM Level 2 signifies a significant leap forward. It operates in a collaborative 3D environment, where all stakeholders work with shared 3D models hosted on a Common Data Environment (CDE). Standardisation is key, with standardised data formats and protocols ensuring structured and consistent information. Roles and responsibilities are defined, allowing for seamless integration of data from various disciplines. Project Information Models (PIMs) are created and maintained, fostering data-driven decision-making and improved project management.

Our achievement of BIM Level 2 accreditation demonstrates our commitment to embracing collaboration, data integration, and the full potential of BIM technology in construction. This milestone positions us to lead the industry in the digital age and deliver exceptional results for our clients.

Pioneers in BIM Accreditation

At PHD Access, we proudly stand as the first scaffolding contractor in the UK to attain BIM Level 2 accreditation from the awarding body LRQA. This remarkable achievement is a testament to our dedication to embracing innovation and providing top-tier services to our clients. As BIM becomes increasingly integral to construction projects, our pioneering role is setting a new industry standard.

Government Mandate and Industry Adoption

The UK government’s mandate to require all public construction projects to be performed by ‘BIM Capable’ organisations reflects the growing importance of BIM in the construction sector. BIM enhances collaboration, minimises errors, and streamlines project management, resulting in cost savings and improved project outcomes. Our accreditation positions us to take on government projects and demonstrates our readiness to excel in this demanding landscape.

Leading the Way in Temporary Works

While BIM has rapidly gained traction in the construction industry, temporary works have been slower to adopt this digital transformation. PHD Access’s pioneering role in achieving BIM Level 2 accreditation is a testament to our commitment to innovation and excellence. By leading the way in temporary works, we are not only elevating our own capabilities but also contributing to the broader industry’s advancement.

Embracing the Digital Age of Construction

In conclusion, PHD Access’s attainment of BIM Level 2 accreditation is a milestone that speaks volumes about our commitment to excellence, innovation, and readiness to meet the evolving demands of the construction industry. As BIM continues to shape the future of construction, our pioneering role paves the way for others in the field. Our dedication to embracing the digital age of construction ensures that we are well-prepared to deliver exceptional results on government projects and beyond, while also driving the adoption of BIM in temporary works, an area that is ripe for transformation. Our journey is not just a success story but also an inspiration for the entire industry.